Approaches when sheltered accommodation/services no longer meet a resident’s needs

Ask eroshCategory: QuestionsApproaches when sheltered accommodation/services no longer meet a resident’s needs
Rebecca Staff asked 9 months ago

We are currently putting the finishing touches on Choosing to Move, our latest good practice guide on how best to support residents to ‘move on’ to alternative accommodation when sheltered housing/independent living no longer meets their needs. Key themes include:

  • Making sure information before and after an individual moves into a scheme manages expectations.
  • Ensuring needs/risk assessment processes effectively identify when accommodation and/or services might no longer be suitable.
  • When and how we have a conversation with an individual about moving to more suitable accommodation.
  • Information we provide to help an individual make the right choice.
  • And, if a decision to move has been made, how well we support individuals to move.

One thing we haven’t yet covered is what we do if a resident refuses to move even though their needs have been assessed as no longer being met by the service? At various meetings we have discussed risk in relation to the allocations and letting process e.g. not accepting an application if there is for example a high number of residents with high levels of risk already in a scheme, but how do you approach a situation where the service/accommodation no longer meet needs but a resident does not wish to move on to more suitable accommodation. 
I look forward to hearing your experiences. 
Rebecca Mollart (CEO, erosh)