Addressing loneliness and social isolation through safeguarding – Optivo
Safeguarding and loneliness can be closely linked. This example shows how an intervention to respond a safeguarding issue can help address loneliness and social isolation. “Bob is the guy in …
Anti-social behaviour in sheltered and retirement housing – Sanctuary Housing
Anti-social behaviour (ASB) in a sheltered and retirement housing setting can mean different things to different people depending on their own perspective and levels of tolerance. Sanctuary Housing provides, on …
Cost of Living: Supporting Older People
Good Practice Snapshot. The Cost of Living is defined as the amount of money that people need to pay for food, clothing and somewhere to live (Oxford Dictionary, 2023). Cost …
Damp & Mould in Older People’s Accommodation
Good Practice Snapshot. Living with damp and mould significantly impacts anyone’s health and wellbeing, and particularly on vulnerable, older people. About 3% of flats and homes have damp and this …
Digital engagement of older people – Monmouthshire Housing Association
Digital engagement of older people has been given higher profile during the Covid-19 pandemic with many staff working wholly or partly from home. Emphasis early on was on keeping older …
Do we need licences for film clubs?
Your organisation may have been approached recently by a body called the Motion Picture Licensing Company (MPLC). They represent part of the motion picture industry and their role is “to …
Domestic abuse amongst older people – anonymous
In recognising signs of and addressing domestic abuse amongst sheltered and retirement housing residents, providers play a key role. In this example of domestic abuse amongst older people, the tenant …
Equality, diversity and inclusion – Trivallis
To create a culture of equality, diversity and inclusion, it essential that a holistic approach is taken from board level to frontline staff. For example Trivallis does not just display …
Mental Health Support – Monmouthshire Housing Association
The need to support the mental health and well-being of older people has been highlighted by the Covid-19 pandemic. Monmouthshire Housing Association’s (MHA) Mental Health project involved signposting those needing …
Minimising Risk of Scams and the Impact on Older People
An older person in England and Wales becomes a victim of fraud every 40 seconds (Age UK 2019). Fraud has become more pervasive and extensive since the digital revolution as …
Overcoming cultural differences, loneliness, and isolation – Catalyst Housing Group
This multi-cultural project promotes understanding and addresses loneliness and isolation, O’Grady Courtis a 62 unit sheltered housing scheme in West Ealing. Since it was built 30 years ago it has …
Partnership working to support people with sight loss – Trivallis
An effective partnership between RNIB Cymru and Trivallis has led to improvements to sheltered and retirement housing and services for residents experiencing sight loss; and has helped staff to better …
Safeguarding older people – WFHA
Safeguarding older people is an essential part of the role of sheltered and retirement housing staff as this case study example from WFHA nicely illustrates. A staff member reported abnormal …
Social Prescribing
Good Practice Snapshot. Social prescribing (SP) involves healthcare practitioners identifying an individual’s need which might be addressed by a social solution rather than a medical intervention e.g. loneliness where no medical need has been …
Supporting LGBTQ+ older residents – Anchor Hanover
Supporting LGBTQ+ residents involves recognising their fears and concerns. Anchor Hanover has an LGBTQ+ Advisory Group which tackles concerns that moving into sheltered housing or a care home as an …
Supporting older people through a life changing event – Cartrefi Conwy
‘Passion for Life’ provides a framework for older people to make incremental changes in their lives to improve their health and well-being, particularly after a life-changing event such as retirement …
Supporting Veterans in Independent Living and Sheltered & Retirement Housing
Good Practice Snapshot. Veterans are a distinct group of people with a shared experience of military service. Their unique experience of service may differ, but all share a collective experience …
Tenant Safeguarding Awareness Training
This initiative arose from an investigation in 2011/12 into safeguarding cases in the sheltered service. It became apparent that tenants had a lack of knowledge of adult safeguarding. Throughout the …
Time banking project – Cartrefi Conwy
Time banking project ‘Give Where You Live’ (GWYL) maximises the skills and experience of older people while supporting each other to live independently. It runs from a sheltered scheme, and involves …
Trans equality – Riverside
To foster a culture of equality, diversity and inclusion including Trans equality, it essential that the right messages are reinforced throughout the organisation and a holistic approach is taken. For …