Good Practice Snapshots

Real-life case studies highlighting good practice and providing you with the opportunity to learn from colleagues in the sector.

Do we need licences for film clubs?

Your organisation may have been approached recently by a body called the Motion Picture Licensing Company (MPLC).  They represent part of the motion picture industry and their role is “to …

Safeguarding older people – WFHA

Safeguarding older people is an essential part of the role of sheltered and retirement housing staff as this case study example from WFHA nicely illustrates. A staff member reported abnormal …

Social Prescribing

Good Practice Snapshot. Social prescribing (SP) involves healthcare practitioners identifying an individual’s need which might be addressed by a social solution rather than a medical intervention e.g. loneliness where no medical need has been …

Tenant Safeguarding Awareness Training

This initiative arose from an investigation in 2011/12 into safeguarding cases in the sheltered service. It became apparent that tenants had a lack of knowledge of adult safeguarding. Throughout the …

Time banking project – Cartrefi Conwy

Time banking project ‘Give Where You Live’ (GWYL) maximises the skills and experience of older people while supporting each other to live independently.  It runs from a sheltered scheme, and involves …

Trans equality – Riverside

To foster  a culture of equality, diversity and inclusion including Trans equality, it essential that the right messages are reinforced throughout the organisation and a holistic approach is taken. For …