Research Surveys

From time to time erosh undertakes research in order to inform our Good Practice Guides.

We currently have 2 surveys that we would welcome your views on:

Recruitment – just how challenging is it?

Recruitment into the independent living sector has become increasingly difficult since the Covid-19 pandemic to the extent that it has sometimes had a detrimental effect on service delivery as well as on other staff who consequently face increasing pressure. This then has a knock-on effect on stress levels and health and well-being leading to increased sickness and so on. 

Our next Good Practice Guide focuses on recruitment specifically in the independent living/sheltered and retirement housing sector. We want to focus on the particular challenges you face with recruiting independent living/sheltered and retirement housing staff and what you can do to improve your recruitment success rates.

To inform our guide and to ensure it meets your needs, please take 5 minutes to complete our survey here.

Erosh Manifesto

In election year what three things would you like us to tell the new government about independent living/sheltered & retirement housing?

We will collate your views and turn them into erosh’s 2024 manifesto.

Let us know your views by completing our short Google Forms survey here.

We currently have 2 surveys that we would welcome your views on: Recruitment into the independent living sector has become increasingly difficult since the Covid-19 pandemic to the extent that …


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