
Erosh provides practical expert advice and guidance, news and commentary for front line staff and service managers to help respond to current challenges and opportunities.

    Erosh Membership Application

    Please complete the following form and submit. We will be in touch shortly.


    This is the person we will expect to communicate with in relation to all erosh matters unless requested otherwise e.g. for invoicing. Therefore please make sure these details are up to date and accurate and the person has given permission to be your named contact.



    Annual fees for providers are based on the number of sheltered/extra care/floating support housing and/or units of support. If you are a provider how many units do you have?*

    ApplicableNon-Applicable (Please state below)

    Additional Contacts

    If you have a central email address for scheme managers or colleagues who would also like to access erosh resources on the website and receive our ezine (who have given you permission to provide us with their email address) please list them below:


    We are developing our bank of good practice and would love to hear from you about which topics you would you like to hear about or have help with. Please give us your feedback on what good practice guides you would find useful.

    Data Protection

    We collect and retain your data for specific purposes to enable us to achieve the charitable objects in our constitution. More information can be read here. Please confirm you are happy for us to use and store your data for the specific purposes described


    Every two months Erosh distribute a free newsletter for members and subscribers that provides latest news, case studies, guides & advice for older people’s housing & support. As a member you are automatically entitled to receive this resource and relevant news updates. Please indicate below that you are happy to receive the ezine and related updates:*