How are you supporting staff back to work?

Ask eroshCategory: QuestionsHow are you supporting staff back to work?
Rebecca Staff asked 4 years ago

We asked you three months ago how you were supporting residents and staff through the Covid-19 pandemic including scheme staff who were changing to working from home. We are now hearing of sheltered & retirement housing staff returning to schemes, often on a part-time basis so part home working and part scheme based. This presents new challenges around managing the inter-face with residents as well as managing staff terms and conditions. 

Please share your experiences with us. For example:

·         Are your staff who have been home working returning to have a scheme presence?  

·         How are you managing the transition?

·         How are you managing the relationship with residents?

·         Have you taken the decision to change any staff to permanent home working arrangements? If so, how are you managing this?

We will be developing a briefing on managing the transition back to scheme based working and would very much welcome your contributions. Email