LBTQ+ Older People | Raising Awareness

Older people struggle to find LGBTQ+ friendly accommodation. Specialist schemes are rare and sheltered and retirement housing providers do not always promote schemes as ‘LGBTQ+ friendly’.

Older LGBTQ+ people may have experienced a lifetime of discrimination, fear and isolation which impacts on their expectations of housing, support and care. They may experience anxiety about facing further discrimination as well as actual homophobia, discrimination, bullying and harassment.

Sample content:

  • Understanding terminology
  • Legal and policy framework
  • Housing and support needs of LGBTQ+ older people
  • Supporting LGBTQ+ older people including those with dementia
  • Monitoring and communication
  • Advice and guidance for LGBTQ+ older people and other residents

If you are registered for the erosh Independent Living Standards, this training will help you achieve the following standard(s):

C11 Diverse Needs of Customers

C14 Discrimination, homophobia, bullying and harassment

Older people struggle to find LGBTQ+ friendly accommodation. Specialist schemes are rare and sheltered and retirement housing providers do not always promote schemes as ‘LGBTQ+ friendly’. Older LGBTQ+ people may …
