
Safeguarding is everybody’s responsibility, from front-line staff in regular contact with tenants, residents and service users; to staff who periodically visit homes or communal areas e.g. repairs staff or contractors; to chief executives and board members. All have a responsibility to protect individuals’ safety and human rights, and safeguarding measures need to be an integral part of housing related support.  

Sample content:

  • Defining a ‘person at risk’
  • Legislative and regulatory framework and responsibilities
  • Role of housing providers
  • Case management
  • Professional boundaries
  • Handling the media
  • Good practice in dealing with safeguarding issues

If you are registered for the erosh Independent Living Standards, this training will help you achieve the following standard(s):

C21 Safeguarding, Domestic Abuse and Modern Slavery

Safeguarding is everybody’s responsibility, from front-line staff in regular contact with tenants, residents and service users; to staff who periodically visit homes or communal areas e.g. repairs staff or contractors; …
