Independent Living Standards

The 5 standards

We will assess your service(s) against 5 standards covering different service outcomes:

  • Governance & Management – managing services in the best way possible
  • Value for Money & Effective Use of Resources – achieving good value for money and resourcing services well
  • Equal and Respectful – treating customers and staff equally and with respect
  • Customer Focused & Personalised Services – delivering services which meet individual needs and preferences and putting customers in the driving seat
  • Customer & Staff Safety – safeguarding customers whilst encouraging them to take sensible risks.

Build your own accreditation

You can choose to focus your accreditation on one service or you can include all services you deliver.

You can add other services at any time without having to register again. It’s your accreditation – use it to your best advantage.

Typical services currently registered include:

➢ Services for Older People

➢ Independent Living Services

➢ Abbeyfield Society

➢ Homeless Services

➢ Services for Young People


Independent Living Standards Accredited Provider

If you are designated a “Independent Living Standards Accredited Provider” this means that your service overall:

➢ Has all relevant policies and procedures in place

➢ Can demonstrate a planned approach in supporting people to achieve positive outcomes

➢ Both staff and customers are actively involved in service delivery and development

➢ The organisation learns from both staff and customer feedback and experience to shape the service

➢ There is a drive for continuous improvement and sector leadership

In addition to overall accreditation, there is the opportunity for any outstanding achievement in relation to a particular standard or standards to be formally recognised. This might be for example where you can demonstrate particularly innovative or creative practice over and above what might be considered ‘normal’.


Erosh Code of Practice

“Milton Keynes Council has been accredited with the erosh Code of Practice for nearly 12 years and preparing for a fourth full assessment in February 2022. The service has 26 schemes, 28 staff and has a sense of pride in meeting the standards and achieving the recognition that the accreditation brings.

Despite the challenges of the last 2 years, the staff are looking forward to being recognised within the Council as a quality service, which they can boast about and offer reassurance to current and prospective tenants. It allows staff to work as a team, to reflect on the job they do and use real life examples to demonstrate meeting the standards. Having already been through the process a number of times, we are able to build the preparation into day-to-day work arrangements so it doesn’t take up too much time.

Our service users are also proud of the achievement, and we involve them in the process, which brings us closer and they can also see the impact the accreditation has across all schemes.”

Nora Gibbard Sheltered Housing Manager - Milton Keynes Council