Calls for evidence
Members are encouraged to come forward with examples of good practice in using volunteers to deliver older people’s housing and support. Here, our chief executive outlines what she is looking …
Members are encouraged to come forward with examples of good practice in using volunteers to deliver older people’s housing and support. Here, our chief executive outlines what she is looking …
Members came together earlier this year to celebrate our annual Innovation & Good Practice Awards, and we are developing some of the entries into case studies to showcase the excellent …
If you want to be regularly updated on erosh activity then follow us on Twitter. You don’t have to wait for our monthly ezine for news of new good practice …
Erosh’s local networks are a fantastic way to come together with other members and like-minded professionals to share good practice and discuss sector issues. This month we have meetings in …
The erosh office will close for annual leave from Monday, August 12, and will re-open on Friday, August 30.
Twenty six housing schemes and care homes for older people learnt today they have won a medal in national awards judged by residents and tenants. However they will have to …
CIH has rebranded its Older People’s Housing and Support conference to delivering housing with care and support for older people – making a difference. The new name reflects the changes …
CIH has been part of a working group led by Asset Skills, to develop a qualification structure for housing, health and care at level 3. The qualification will have units …
The Commissioner for Older People for Northern Ireland has launched its Corporate Plan for 2013-15. The Plan sets out the way that the Commissioner proposes to use legal powers and …
Dr Ed Bridges, Policy Advisor (wellbeing), Older People’s Commissioner for Wales, claims that “loneliness amongst older people is reaching epidemic proportions”. He has written an interesting blog on the challenges …
Community Housing Cymru with Care & Repair Cymru and the Welsh NHS Confederation has produced a good practice guide, Healthy Homes, Healthy Lives – Good Practice Guide with examples of …
CEO of Trafford Housing Group, Matthew Gardiner, has written an insightful blog on how we can future-proof sheltered housing. Looking at the changing shape of older people’s housing and the …
The housing crisis affects not just young people – a specialist retirement home-building programme is urgently needed. This is the message in a Guardian column on the shortage of suitable …
In June 2013, the Office for National Statistics (ONS), as part of its Measuring National Well-Being Programme released an article which analyses by age and other variables two of the …
The King’s Fund has launched a new Commission to consider whether the post-war settlement, which established separate systems for health and social care, remains fit for purpose. Read more here: …
The National Housing Federation (NHF) claims that more than eight out of ten GPs are unsure how to commission essential support services that can keep older and vulnerable people out …
Since our last ezine, the findings of some interesting research projects have been published by the Office for National Statistics on measuring national wellbeing, statistics from JRF on age becoming …
Esther Rantzen CBE is pledging her support to championing older people’s quality housing and support to meet the needs of an ageing population. TV presenter and campaigner Esther Rantzen CBE …
Briefing on Universal Credit A new erosh briefing explains the impact of Universal Credit on older people’s accommodation and support services. The briefing looks into the type of accommodation and support …
Erosh’s Networks are an excellent opportunity for our members to meet, discuss topical issues and share learning and best practice. Established in 2012 the North West Network currently attracts members …