Meeting fire safety challenges

Engaging with local fire services to ensure they understand sheltered accommodation and how it differs from residential care or nursing homes is a key member priority.

Members have reported to us a number of issues particularly in relation to consistency of approach both to responding to alarms (emergency and false alarms) and to fire service inspections. Members have referred to inconsistencies between different local authority fire services, between inspecting fire officers and fire officers who attend to a fire alarm activation, and even between different inspecting fire officers or different fire officers who attend to a fire alarm activation. In addition different approaches have been taken in respect of communal areas in general needs accommodation and communal areas in sheltered housing even though, in sheltered housing, there are more systems in place to detect early signs of fire.

Do these issues sound familiar?

We are currently working on good practice guidance to help members to develop effective relationships with fire service partners.

We would welcome best practice examples, insight and practical advice from members as well as any particular issues you are facing at the moment. Comments please by the end of June to  Rebecca Mollart or alternatively post on our LinkedIn forum.

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