We need your help with our new Good Practice Guide on Digital Engagement of Older People in association with TPAS.
The longer term impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic on the health and well-being of older people have been emerging over the last two years giving rise to the need for us to revisit strategies and approaches in light of the lessons learned.
In particular, the loneliness and isolation of many older people has increased. Housing providers not only need dedicated strategies to identify and support those at risk of loneliness and isolation, but also need to make sure they consider the impact of loneliness and isolation on other strategies including digital engagement.
The ‘virtual’ world excludes older people who are not digitally savvy or simply don’t have access, so strategies need to balance the need to maximise the amazing benefits of digital engagement with minimising the gap between those that can engage and those that can’t. Strategies should explicitly include how organisations can support older people to engage.
Erosh, in association with TPAS England is developing a practical guide for housing providers on digital engagement of older people which will consider how providers can better support older people to digitally engage at both a strategic and a practical level.
This guide will also be informed by the findings of a national survey to find out what housing providers already do to support older people to digitally engage and what they might need to help them do this better. Please take 10 minutes to share your experiences with us by completing our survey here before 29th April 2022.
We would also be grateful if you could share with us any case studies (anonymised of course) demonstrating how you are supporting or have supported older people to digitally engage. Please send these to ceo@erosh.co.uk by 29th April 2022.
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