Addressing Loneliness and Social Isolation in Older People
As the number of older people in the UK increases is and people live longer, loneliness and social isolation is increasing. Evidence about the role older people’s housing plays in …
As the number of older people in the UK increases is and people live longer, loneliness and social isolation is increasing. Evidence about the role older people’s housing plays in …
Safeguarding and loneliness can be closely linked. This example shows how an intervention to respond a safeguarding issue can help address loneliness and social isolation. “Bob is the guy in …
Digital engagement of older people has been given higher profile during the Covid-19 pandemic with many staff working wholly or partly from home. Emphasis early on was on keeping older …
In England and Wales, 2.3 million adults aged 16-74 experienced domestic abuse in the year ending March 2020 and women are disproportionately victimised, with domestic abuse affecting 1 in 4 …
The need to support the mental health and well-being of older people has been highlighted by the Covid-19 pandemic. Monmouthshire Housing Association’s (MHA) Mental Health project involved signposting those needing …
This multi-cultural project promotes understanding and addresses loneliness and isolation, O’Grady Courtis a 62 unit sheltered housing scheme in West Ealing. Since it was built 30 years ago it has …
Measures adopted by our members to continue to provide a safe and effective service to older people and to protect staff include encouraging people to work more from home where …
It is an uncertain and worrying time for everyone including sheltered and retirement housing providers supporting older people and their own staff. The situation is continuously and frequently changing, as …
Time banking project ‘Give Where You Live’ (GWYL) maximises the skills and experience of older people while supporting each other to live independently. It runs from a sheltered scheme, and involves …