‘Re-opening’ sheltered & retirement housing schemes as the pandemic eases
Sheltered and retirement housing staff are now starting to return to schemes as the pandemic eases, often on a phased or part-time basis, and communal lounges are starting to re-open. …
Domestic abuse amongst older people – anonymous
In recognising signs of and addressing domestic abuse amongst sheltered and retirement housing residents, providers play a key role. In this example of domestic abuse amongst older people, the tenant …
Domestic Abuse and Older People in Sheltered and Retirement Housing
In England and Wales, 2.3 million adults aged 16-74 experienced domestic abuse in the year ending March 2020 and women are disproportionately victimised, with domestic abuse affecting 1 in 4 …
How to… Deal with Anti-Social Behaviour in Sheltered & Retirement Housing
Anti-social behaviour (ASB) can have a significant impact on both individuals and communities, as well as on housing providers for whom the costs can be considerable. ASB impacts negatively on …
Sensitive Contractors
This guide, developed with the kind support of Ian Williams Ltd, prepares contractors for working sensitively in older people’s homes in any setting. In addition to general guiding principles when …
Supporting Home Workers during the Coronavirus Outbreak
Measures adopted by our members to continue to provide a safe and effective service to older people and to protect staff include encouraging people to work more from home where …
Supporting Older People & Staff through Coronavirus (Covid-19)
It is an uncertain and worrying time for everyone including sheltered and retirement housing providers supporting older people and their own staff. The situation is continuously and frequently changing, as …