‘Re-opening’ sheltered & retirement housing schemes as the pandemic eases
Sheltered and retirement housing staff are now starting to return to schemes as the pandemic eases, often on a phased or part-time basis, and communal lounges are starting to re-open. …
Addressing loneliness and social isolation through safeguarding – Optivo
Safeguarding and loneliness can be closely linked. This example shows how an intervention to respond a safeguarding issue can help address loneliness and social isolation. “Bob is the guy in …
Digital engagement of older people – Monmouthshire Housing Association
Digital engagement of older people has been given higher profile during the Covid-19 pandemic with many staff working wholly or partly from home. Emphasis early on was on keeping older …
Domestic Abuse and Older People in Sheltered and Retirement Housing
In England and Wales, 2.3 million adults aged 16-74 experienced domestic abuse in the year ending March 2020 and women are disproportionately victimised, with domestic abuse affecting 1 in 4 …
Equality, diversity and inclusion – Trivallis
To create a culture of equality, diversity and inclusion, it essential that a holistic approach is taken from board level to frontline staff. For example Trivallis does not just display …
How to… Deal with Anti-Social Behaviour in Sheltered & Retirement Housing
Anti-social behaviour (ASB) can have a significant impact on both individuals and communities, as well as on housing providers for whom the costs can be considerable. ASB impacts negatively on …
LGBTQ+ Older People and Sheltered & Retirement Housing
Evidence suggests that many LGBTQ+ people have faced years of discrimination which impacts on their expectations of housing, support and care as they age. Although they have the same right …
Mental Health Support – Monmouthshire Housing Association
The need to support the mental health and well-being of older people has been highlighted by the Covid-19 pandemic. Monmouthshire Housing Association’s (MHA) Mental Health project involved signposting those needing …
Overcoming cultural differences, loneliness, and isolation – Catalyst Housing Group
This multi-cultural project promotes understanding and addresses loneliness and isolation, O’Grady Courtis a 62 unit sheltered housing scheme in West Ealing. Since it was built 30 years ago it has …
Partnership working to support people with sight loss – Trivallis
An effective partnership between RNIB Cymru and Trivallis has led to improvements to sheltered and retirement housing and services for residents experiencing sight loss; and has helped staff to better …
Safeguarding older people – WFHA
Safeguarding older people is an essential part of the role of sheltered and retirement housing staff as this case study example from WFHA nicely illustrates. A staff member reported abnormal …
Supporting Home Workers during the Coronavirus Outbreak
Measures adopted by our members to continue to provide a safe and effective service to older people and to protect staff include encouraging people to work more from home where …
Supporting LGBTQ+ older residents – Anchor Hanover
Supporting LGBTQ+ residents involves recognising their fears and concerns. Anchor Hanover has an LGBTQ+ Advisory Group which tackles concerns that moving into sheltered housing or a care home as an …
Supporting Older People & Staff through Coronavirus (Covid-19)
It is an uncertain and worrying time for everyone including sheltered and retirement housing providers supporting older people and their own staff. The situation is continuously and frequently changing, as …
Time banking project – Cartrefi Conwy
Time banking project ‘Give Where You Live’ (GWYL) maximises the skills and experience of older people while supporting each other to live independently. It runs from a sheltered scheme, and involves …