Erosh Code of Practice
“CESSA Housing Association is a very small Registered Provider with just under 200 sheltered properties occupied by tenants aged 60+ with a connection to the British Military. After several years investigating how best to externally validate and demonstrate the quality of our services, we signed up to the erosh Code of Practice. The unique benefit of being externally reviewed and accredited by erosh is that they have always been dedicated to the provision of excellent sheltered housing and the support of older residents, so truly understand the nature of our business. Our accreditation also demonstrates our commitment to delivering consistent levels of service across all our schemes; ensuring our tenants have opportunities to independently contribute to the assessment process; and gives reassurance to tenants that their landlord is operating to nationally agreed industry standards. CESSA Housing Association is therefore proud to display our erosh Code of Practice accreditation on our website and letterhead as a symbol of the high service standards we strive to achieve on behalf of our residents.”