Training Skills

Managers and others are often called upon to train their own teams and individuals both formally and informally and face to face or online*, but may not be formally trained themselves. Learning to train helps to develop presentation skills in any formal or informal setting as well as a better understanding of how others learn.

* Please note, this is not technical training on Teams, Zoom or other digital platform.

Sample content:

  • Principles of learning and learning styles
  • Aims and objectives and session planning
  • Presentation skills
  • Visual aids
  • Managing groups

If you are registered for the erosh Independent Living Standards, this training will help you achieve the following standard(s):

C8 Staff Management, Recruitment and Retention

C9 Qualified and Trained Staff

Managers and others are often called upon to train their own teams and individuals both formally and informally and face to face or online*, but may …
