New Good Practice Snapshot

Our new Good Practice Snapshot – Damp & Mould in Older People’s Accommodation was launched today.

Living with damp and mould significantly impacts anyone’s health and wellbeing, and particularly on vulnerable, older people.

About 3% of flats and homes have damp and this includes only those severe enough for a health safety assessment. In BME households the occurrence is two to three times higher (Sample, Guardian Nov 2023).

The case of Awaab Ishak shone the spotlight on housing providers’ responsibilities. 2 year old Awaab Ishak died on the 21 December 2020 at the Royal Oldham Hospital from a severe respiratory condition due to environmental mould exposure. A Coroner’s investigation concluded that Awaab’s death was due to prolonged exposure to mould in his home and action to treat and prevent the mould was not taken.

It is critical that housing providers acknowledge, identify and address damp and mould in older people’s housing schemes with a clear plan to deal with it promptly and effectively so that any risk to residents’ health is minimised.

This Good Practice Snapshot looks at the impact of living in accommodation with damp and mould and what housing providers can do to protect residents.

Erosh members can download the Good Practice Snapshot from the Member Hub on the erosh website. You need to login to the Member Hub to access your member resources. Your login is your email address, but if you have any problems logging in or accessing this Snapshot, please contact Rena on

If you’re not an erosh member and you’re interested in accessing the Snapshot, please get in touch with Rena on

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