Erosh is delighted to announce that it has taken ownership of The Centre for Housing and Support (CHS) Service Excellence Standards (SES) which have been re-branded as the Erosh Code of Practice. The Code of Practice is a clear fit with our role in influencing positive practice and raising standards and we are committed to enhancing its status within the sheltered and supported housing sector. It is now a key activity for erosh but will continue to be ably managed by Steve Rafferty, supported by Kate Chapman, erosh Administrator. The accreditation provides a time-saving and cost effective way for providers to ensure that quality is maintained and improved in accordance with nationally recognised standards. It helps to ensure: – compliance with legislation – policies and procedures are up to date and robust – staff have clear roles and responsibilities, and are appropriately trained – accommodation is of good quality – most importantly… that there are positive outcomes for customers. All existing CHS SES achievers are being ‘passported’ over to the new erosh Code of Practice. To minimise the transition, the accreditation process will remain unchanged. Longer term we will review the standards to make sure they stay up to date and relevant and there are clear links between the Code of Practice and our other policy and good practice activities. |
For all the details visit www.erosh.co.uk/code-of-practice/ Find out which organisations have achieved the erosh Code of Practice or email Kate Chapman if you are interested in enquiring about accreditation for your organisation or have any questions. |