All Party Parliamentary Group Inquiry into Living with Dementia
We are delighted to announce that erosh will be contributing to the new APPG inquiry into living with dementia. We’ll be making a submission on behalf of erosh by the deadline of 30 June and would like to invite you to share your views with us so we can incorporate these into our response.
You will of course be aware that the numbers of older people are significantly increasing with an associated increase in the numbers of people in the UK living with dementia. The APPG inquiry will cover dementia-friendly design/development of new homes, changes and adaptations to existing properties, ongoing input of care and support, and technological support, and will culminate in a report in March 2021 which will make recommendations to government, and provide guidance for housing providers.
To summarise, evidence is being sought in relation to:
- links between housing, health and social care to improve the journey of people affected by dementia
- design of new homes and how to increase supply of specialist dementia-friendly properties
- changes and adaptations to existing properties to enable people to live well with dementia at home
- the role of innovative technology to improve the delivery of better care and support
This is quite open and there are no set questions so we have drafted a template for you to share your thoughts and suggestions which we will then collate into our response.
The deadline for evidence is 30 June so please submit your contributions two weeks by Friday 19 June by emailing ceo@erosh.co.uk