Our new Good Practice Snapshot looks at ways in which we can protect older people from scams.
An older person in England and Wales becomes a victim of fraud every 40 seconds (Age UK 2019).
Fraud has become more pervasive and extensive since the digital revolution as more people use online services to buy goods and services. The impact can be financially catastrophic but the shame and embarrassment has consequences on mental health.
A report from the Centre for Counter Fraud Studies (BBC 2019) refers to people 65+ being 3x more likely to lose money to fraudsters than be burgled and that stigma makes them too embarrassed to tell friends and families so they are even more vulnerable.
Our Good Practice Snapshot looks at:
- What is a scam?
- Who are the scammers and who do they target?
- Recognising a scam.
- What to do if you suspect you have been scammed.
Erosh members can access our Good Practice Snapshot – Minimising Risk of Scams and the Impact on Older People in the Member Hub here.
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