£50million for dementia-friendly communities
Jeremy Hunt MP, the new Secretary of State for Health, announced at the National Children and Adult Services Conference 2012 that there will be additional dedicated funding to create care …
Jeremy Hunt MP, the new Secretary of State for Health, announced at the National Children and Adult Services Conference 2012 that there will be additional dedicated funding to create care …
Why not advertise your job vacancies directly to almost 700 contacts in the older people housing and support sector? Erosh can now advertise job vacancies on its website and promote …
Erosh’s South Wales network is proving a success after its second meeting brought lively discussion for members. The event, held at RCT Homes in Pontypridd, saw 14 members, as well …
Sir Michael Parkinson, Fiona Phillips and Gordon Banks are to support national ‘A Day to Remember’ campaign, calling for the public not to delay talking about dementia. The new …
Why not advertise your job vacancies directly to almost 700 contacts in the older people housing and support sector? Erosh can now advertise job vacancies on its website and promote …
Following the successful launch in July, erosh’s South Wales network is attracting a high profile speaker for its next meeting The Older People’s Commissioner for Wales, Sarah Rochira, will be …
Our panel of experts is always on hand for members to ask questions via our Ask erosh webpage. This month we have responded to questions on: legionella and showerheads where …
One of services erosh offers through its new website is its ‘Ask erosh’ facility’. Both members and non-members can post a query here on anything to do with older people’s …
Regional chairs and network representatives met inLondonon May 31 for their annual meeting. The event was well attended provided a valuable opportunity for network representatives to share what has been …
One of services erosh offers through its new website is its ‘Ask erosh’ facility. Both members and non-members can post a query here on anything to do with older people’s …
Our new website went live on March 1 to offer members a range of new services from erosh. As an erosh member you can now access the Policy & Practice Portal, …
Erosh member Aragon Housing is a partner in one of the country’s first purpose built housing with care developments for people living with dementia. The new development at Bletchley Park …
Erosh’s local networks continue to be a great driving force across the country. Together we have continued to hold meetings throughout the year with networks being active locally. Members have …
Our bank of experts are always on-hand to help members in their day-to-day work by responding to a whole range of queries. This year some of our expert knowledge has …
The sector has faced significant challenges this year. To help our members get their heads around everything from health and social care to Benefit Reform, we have produced policy briefings. …
In each ERoSH ezine we speak to different members and trustees to find out more about their involvement with the organisation. This month we spoke to Mike Turner, development director …
In each ERoSH ezine we speak to different members and trustees to find out more about their involvement with the organisation. This month we spoke to Ken Johnson, who is …
In the face of cost-cutting, localism and local offers housing providers need to share best practice and learning points more than ever, that is why we are encouraging members to …
In each ERoSH ezine we speak to different members and trustees to find out more about their involvement with the organisation. This month we spoke to Linda Milton, who is …
The Government is reviewing the Vetting & Barring Scheme (VBS) to scale it back to common sense levels. A report has been published on the review and draws on stakeholder …