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Ask eroshCategory: Questions
Has anyone re-opened their guest rooms yet?
AnsweredKathryn Warner answered 4 years ago • 
488 views7 answers0 votes
Housing choices for older people
OpenRebecca asked 4 years ago • 
343 views0 answers0 votes
How are you supporting staff back to work?
AnsweredRebecca answered 4 years ago • 
447 views1 answers0 votes
How should sheltered & retirement housing providers prepare for a pandemic?
AnsweredRebecca answered 4 years ago • 
400 views1 answers0 votes
Is it too late to confirm a place at the AGM this week?
AnsweredKate answered 5 years ago • 
590 views1 answers0 votes
MPLC Umbrella licence certificate
AnsweredRebecca answered 4 years ago • 
418 views4 answers-1 votes
New LGBT older people good practice guide
OpenRebecca asked 5 years ago • 
713 views0 answers0 votes
No-Call disclaimers and non-compliance H&S checks
AnsweredJenny Crocker answered 6 months ago • 
78 views2 answers0 votes
Person Centred Fire Risk Assessments
OpenLisa Reddy asked 3 years ago • 
224 views0 answers0 votes
Pets within communal lounges answered 5 months ago • 
97 views4 answers0 votes
Pets within communal lounges
AnsweredChristopher Thomas answered 12 months ago • 
79 views1 answers0 votes
Service offer and best practice
OpenSue Rudd asked 9 months ago • 
60 views0 answers0 votes

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